Access Office Survey

Closed1 Dec, 2023, 09:00 - 15 Dec, 2023, 17:00

Disability Access for All, “Have Your Say” Survey 2023

To continue to provide and improve services, facilities, buildings and infrastructure which are accessible for all, Wexford County Council wants to hear your views, especially;

  1. person(s) with disabilities
  2. carers
  3. the elderly
  4. persons with a buggy, stroller or walking aid etc.; and
  5. anybody whose daily life is impacted by not having ease of access to the services, facilities, outdoor areas, buildings and infrastructure of Wexford County Council.     


The goal of this survey, “There is always room for improvement” and we strive to continuously improve and develop access for all to the services we provide. To do this your feedback is essential and will be invaluable in assisting us to identify and promote accessibility, universal design and address disability-related access issues to our services.


The Access Section will continue to focus on opportunities, possibilities and develop initiatives, where practicable, to improve access for all. Improvements that are real, relevant and that improve living and working in County Wexford for you.


To have your say and to shape change please take a few moments to complete this survey.


The survey is available in many formats and at many locations.

  • It can be filled out online on this page
  • Available to download in word here  
  • Available at library reception(s) and at  Municipal District main reception (where completed surveys can be returned)
  • alternatively completed versions of the surveys can be scanned and returned via email to or paper versions returned by post directly to:

The Access Section,

Wexford County Council,



Y35 WY93



Note: The deadline for receipt of completed surveys is 15th December 2023.

The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.