Public Participation in Identification of Bathing Waters

Closed20 Dec, 2023, 09:00 - 1 Feb, 2024, 12:00

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Wexford County Council, Environment Section – Public Notice 20th December, 2023

Public Participation in the Identification of ‘’Bathing Waters’’ in Co. Wexford.


Like many other County Councils, Wexford County Council is holding a public participation process as part of the identification of Bathing Waters under the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) and the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 79 of 2008)


Under the 2008 Regulations, local authorities are required to identify bathing waters. This must be done each year before 24th March (2024 for this participation process). It is also a requirement of the Regulations that the public should be involved in their implementation, including the identification of bathing water sites.


There are currently 8 Identified Bathing Waters in County Wexford at present. The Bathing Water Profiles of each beach below and further information is viewable on the link below. These are as follows;


Ballymoney North Beach,



Courtown North Beach,

Curracloe (White’s Gap),



Rosslare Strand


The beaches are monitored for facilities, safety, water quality and the level of use.

Bathing water quality results for all Identified Bathing Areas in the Country for previous years are available on (on EPA website)


Wexford County Council now invites comments from interested members of the public for submissions of information or observations in relation to the identification of Bathing Waters. The consultation process provides the public with an opportunity to comment on existing designated bathing waters with a view to the continuation of the designation or comments on other bathing waters not currently designated but which may be considered for designation. I considering any beach the Council will take into account how many people use the beach, what facilities exist, how accessible it is and any safety issues at the site.



You can send your comments, submissions and queries to Wexford County Council in the following ways through the Public Consultation Portal here


By Post to:


F.A.O.  Hugh Maguire,

Environment Section,

Wexford County Council,


Wexford Town.


Or by email to


The closing date for the receipt of submissions is 5.00 p.m. on

Friday 2nd February, 2024



