Active Travel Scheme (Section 38)
Newtown Road, Wexford Town
Cycle lane upgrade and Traffic calming scheme
Wexford County Council proposes to undertake construction of Traffic Calming, cycle lane upgrade and improve pedestrian access on R769 Newtown Road.
The proposed scheme consists of carriageway narrowing and junction tightening works at Newtown Rd. between junction with L3503 (Hospital Junction) and Wygram junction.
As part of Active Travel works in the area, the objective is to reduce excessive speeding, improve connections to existing footpaths, improve walking and cycling access.
Drawings are available for inspection on Wexford County Council’s Consultation Portal website and on display in our Customer Services Unit, Wexford County Council, County Hall, Wexford (Y35 WX93) from Thursday 23rd March 2023 to 24th April 2023.
The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged in writing to Active Travel Team, Wexford County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93 or by email to to be received by 5.00pm Monday 01st May 2023.
Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this process will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of Elected Members. Accordingly, they may also appear in the public domain.
Eamonn Hore
Director of Services,
Roads, Transportation, Water Services, Health & Safety
14th March 2023
Active Travel Scheme (Section 38) - Newtown Rd. Wexford Town - Cycle lane upgrade and Traffic calming scheme
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Active Travel Scheme (Section 38)
Newtown Road, Wexford Town
Cycle lane upgrade and Traffic calming scheme
Wexford County Council proposes to undertake construction of Traffic Calming, cycle lane upgrade and improve pedestrian access on R769 Newtown Road.
The proposed scheme consists of carriageway narrowing and junction tightening works at Newtown Rd. between junction with L3503 (Hospital Junction) and Wygram junction.
As part of Active Travel works in the area, the objective is to reduce excessive speeding, improve connections to existing footpaths, improve walking and cycling access.
Drawings are available for inspection on Wexford County Council’s Consultation Portal website and on display in our Customer Services Unit, Wexford County Council, County Hall, Wexford (Y35 WX93) from Thursday 23rd March 2023 to 24th April 2023.
The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged in writing to Active Travel Team, Wexford County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93 or by email to to be received by 5.00pm Monday 01st May 2023.
Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this process will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of Elected Members. Accordingly, they may also appear in the public domain.
Eamonn Hore
Director of Services,
Roads, Transportation, Water Services, Health & Safety
14th March 2023