Arts and Culture plans 2023-2027 Consultations

Closed17 Aug, 2022, 09:00 - 3 Oct, 2022, 17:00



Your County Council is thinking about arts and culture in Wexford for the next five years, what we would like to achieve with Wexford communities, and the activities and infrastructure we could develop in the five years from 2023-2027.


We want to know what you think - if you live, work in, or love to visit Wexford.


Wexford has two strategies that help support our work with communities, artists, arts, culture and creativity – the County Wexford Arts Plan and the Wexford Culture & Creativity Strategy.

We believe that implementing these plans over the last few years helped grow confidence in connecting many communities in county Wexford to more arts and cultural activities. These plans  fostered more creative collaborations and supported more artists as well as local communities to engage in creative activity. In addition, they achieved positive outcomes in many key areas such as placemaking, wellbeing, the creative industries, film and heritage programmes.


But we want to know what you think! We are considering arts and creativity’s role in everything from community, youth, artists’ development, the creative industries, heritage, wellbeing, ageing, economic development, place making, climate change, and the environment. We would love to know what your experiences or observations have been in any arts or cultural activities and projects you participated in over the last few years, and importantly, what you would like to see happen over the coming five years.


You must register first and then log in or register with the system to complete the survey. Please note that all responses to the survey will be accumulated for analysis - your personal details will not be linked in our records with your responses. It will take approx. 15-20 minutes to register and complete this survey.


If you have any challenges accessing the survey or would like to give your input via email or phone call, please contact or telephone the Arts Office at : 053-9196564/6369.

We appreciate you taking the time to participate in this public consultation.


The closing date has passed and submissions are no longer being accepted.